
Re: Grounding question...

In a message dated 00-02-26 10:39:39 EST, you write:

<< Original Poster: "Michael Novak" <Acmnovak@execpc.com> 
> Fellow Coilers...
>     Why exactly do we need such a large, low impedence ground connection? 
> all, the wire from the secondary is quite small...   What's going on here? 
 >I've heard of coilers using welding cable for ground connections for coils
 >wound with 22 guage wire. 
> Later
 >    -Michael  >>


For a small coil, you probably won't see any benefit if you use a
thick ground wire.  I always use a #12awg ground wire, and I get
42" sparks from a 12/30 NST.

John Freau