
Re: Self-tuning Tesla coil

Hi All,
              you don't even need a pc - a function generator will do a
better job than a pc.  The problem is that you need a LOT more power to get
the same spark length out of a constant wave driven system than a normal
(disruptive) system.  For a disscussion of why see the list archives.

Nick Field

> Original Poster: spam_proof@worldnet.att.net
> I'm thinking of designing a "self-tuning" coil.  Instead of using a spark
> gap to generate frequencies (which my secondary will resonate on), I'm
> thinking of the following:
> 1.  A computer generates a frequency which is amplified to the point where
> I can drive the primary with it.
> 2.  I detect the magnitude of a received radio signal with my computer
> (e.g. signal strength monitor in the frequency range I'm generating)
> 3.  Change the frequency so that I get maximum output.
> This sounds like something that has probably been tried before.  I was
> wondering if anyone had any insights into this--especially people who have
> experience with using computers with Tesla coils and haven't blown up many
> computers...
>                      - A. Banerjee
> p.s.  "spam_proof@worldnet.att.net" is a legitamate e-mail address.  Many
> "spam" programs ignore addresses which contain "spam", or "nospam" in
> them.  Accordingly, I don't receive much spam on this account.  Feel free
> to e-mail me here.