
Re: The Coiler Database Idea

Ross, I beat ya to the punch a while ago! The tesla.better.org site has
an online database and you can search by state and ZIP and the like.



Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Ross Overstreet" <ross-o@mindspring.com>
> Hey Guys,
> Some Tesla Coiler & HTML Guru (did someone say Stan <g>) should make a site
> that has a US map with clickable states.  You could click on the state and
> get to a list of all the hobbyist coilers in that state who choose to enter
> their contact info in the database.  If the HTML Guru was truly elite, maybe
> he could use java or forms or something so coilers could automatically enter
> and edit their data.  (Oh, I'm thinking too small here, guess we would also
> need a world map to include our coilers from Australia, Europe, Africa,
> etc.)
> In the mean time, maybe a simple list that is sorted by state and country
> would be useful.  I hate to throw out ideas and not be able to follow up on
> them, but with my insanely long work weeks and lame HTML skills, I just
> can't do it.
> Making Arcs in SoCal,
> Ross-O
> http://users.better.org/roverstreet/