
Re: Full Wave Voltage Doubler with MOTs

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla List" <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 15:18
Subject: Re: Full Wave Voltage Doubler with MOTs

> I checked your link (tech_corner.htm). My schematics feature 2 doublers.
> Basically for one doubler (which corresponds to the link's circuit) you
> just one diode and one cap, if using my schematics.
> The Yugoslav circuit uses 2 caps and 6 diodes (!) to achieve the same!


it's not the same! There are lots of types of doubler topologies, half-wave,
full-wave, genuine full-wave and then there are things called "level

Your doubler circuit is a level shifter.

I have simulated many kinds of doubler topologies and found IMO the best way
(least parts). It produces quite smooth _steady_ 11kVDC, opposed to the
pulsed dc you achieve with your circuit.

Here's the schematic (4 diodes and 4 caps):

       -----*----------o +
MOT    |    |  |
       D    C  |
       |    |  |
o------*    *--|
       |    |
       D    C
       |    |
       *----*----------o gnd
       |    |
       D    C
       |    |
o------*    *--|
       |    |  |
       D    C  |
MOT    |    |  |
       -----*----------o -

Please let me know if you think there is something wrong with my schematic
or if you know a better way making it.

By the way, how should I protect the diodes from voltage surges from the
primary circuit?
