
RE: grounding

One thing I should point out that may save your hide with respect
to your Mom's flowers - 

I drove my copper-clad ground rod into the earth beside a row of
rhotodendrum (sp?) bushes.  First, the bush nearest the rod died (after
about a year), now the second one is dead.  When I posted this to this List,
it was pointed out that copper is poisonous to many plants.  I've seen what
appears to be a tin-plated version of the copper-clad ground rods.  This
would have been a much better choice had I known then...

You may also want to consider burying an insulated heavy wire, rather than a
bare copper strap.

Regards, Gary Lau
Waltham, MA USA

> Original Poster: ross andrews <sflourine@home.com>
>         Hi all,
>         I'm in the process of finishing up my first coil, and I have come
> the RF ground part.  I had intended to use a copper grounding rod, but
> Mom doesn't like the idea of a copper strap detracting from her flower
> garden, so Dad suggested I use the cold water line coming into the
> house.  What has me confused is that some coilers on the 'net do indeed
> use a water pipe as a ground, yet some directions I downloaded say
> specifically "DON'T USE A COLD WATER LINE".  What gives?
>         Thanks!
>         Ross