
Re: drying coil forms

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Justin Gould <justing.mrl@dubbo.nsw.gov.au>
> This is just a thought, but would it be possible to make a formless
> I would envisage the process going something like this:
>         1. Wind coil on carboard tube of appropriate dimensions
>         2. Epoxy/Varnish with lots of coats (enough to hold shape)
>         3. Soak coil in water (or whatever) to disolve cardboard form.
>         4. Sand & coat inside for extra support for wire.
> Any thought?
> Justin G.


This approach should work quite well. Greg Leyh fabricated the secondary
of his giant coil, Electrum, using a similar technique, using fiberglas
resin to hold the #12 AWG winding in place, then using high pressure
water to remove the original interior cardboard form. 


Safe coilin' to you!

-- Bert --