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Re: First VTTC light, and a few questions

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000 11:56:52 -0600 "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
> Original poster: "David Trimmell" <davidt@pond.net> 
> Hi,
> good go on the VTTC. One thing though, it seems to me you could get
> better voltage rise with more L in the secondary, at only ~8mH and 
> running
> around 700-800 KHz, you may do better with say 8" of windings to get 
> you
> around 12 mH. 

I thought that a longer coil might work better, too. But, as comes with
so many things born of my impatience (my mind speaks: "so what if it
looks bad and won't work as well, I can build it--- NOW!")

Not sure why your filament V is increasing, as long as 
> it is
> completly separate from the plate supply it really souldn't be 
> affected by
> the plate V, your ground isn't floating?

I hope that it isn't..  ..but the wiring in this house it rather messed
up. I've noticed that on some outlets, the longer of the two slots is
hot, and on others it is neutral! :-(

> Don't be afraid to rough up those 811's, Iv seen them for a around 
> $5 at
> hamfests, so get a few spares and push 'em! 

First, I have to get around to some Hamfests ;-) My Prom was the same day
as the Dayton Hamfest, otherwise, I probably would have gone. Anything
else comming up soon, that you might know in the Ohio area?

Also, I would try to 
> play
> around with the grid feedback, adjust the number of turns, and see 
> if you
> can get a current meter (that works!) to watch grid I (I think its 
> more
> important than watching V).

I have done a lot of that, and it is why the coil is behaving itself, if
not giving maximal performance. I think I may just alter a VAC meter to
measure current in the needed scale. If I had a -DC- mA meter, could I
just add an internal bridge rectfier to the meter?

> Good luck,
> David Trimmell 


Grayson Dietrich

P.S. I also have procured a 4kV 8µF cap to try running the thing with
filtered DC...   ...amplitude modulated plasma, here I come ;-)

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