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RE: Tesla Coil Computer Programs

 I'm a happy user of both Ross and Ed's spreadsheets. I would like to point
out that by listing all the different values of the primary at different
turns. This is a big advantage if i want to knwo where to start tapping a
primary when i'm testing out a coil for both the first time and w/
different top loads.

Original poster: "John H. Couture" <couturejh@worldnet.att.net> 

 Ed, Ross -

 I have used this spreadsheet and found it very useful as a TC calculator. It
 is similar to the JHCTES Ver 3.1 program. However,  one thing I would like
 to point out is that with the JHCTES program the user enters the primary
 capacitor value and the computer finds the number of pri turns required to
 keep the system in tune. This avoids the user having to vary the turns until
 the proper capacitor value appears.

 John Couture

 -------------------  snip

 I agree.  Whenever I run a set of calculations on someone's coil, I just
 it under their name and can go back to it in the future.  I find the
 spreadsheet program very useful for finding out where to tune someone's
 primary by playing some what if type calculations.  I enter the secondary
 toroid information.  Then the primary info and check the required capacitor
 value.  Then I go back to the primary calculations and slowly decrease or
 increase the number of turns, watching the calculated capacitor value until
 it gets close to the capacitor value that they are actually using.  Works
 both of my coils.

 Ed Sonderman