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Re: Strike Rail Yes? No?

Hi Greg, 

You might remember some of the latter comments on that subject, particularly
from Bert and Malcolm explaining what might (or might not) occur. Bert ended
his post with "it's cheap insurance for what might occur". 

Following the discussion, I decided to remove the strike ring on my pig system.
Since I've done this, I haven't had a strike to the primary to even worry
about. Prior to this, I could count on a few here and there on each high
powered run. On the 4th, I ran about 20 runs at approximately 30 seconds each,
at approximately 7.2KVA. I didn't have one arc down to the primary. 

Obvisously, since there are no hits to the primary, nothing dies. But isn't the
difference in field control interesting? I don't think jury has made up it's
mind on this subject, but thought I would throw my observation your way. 

Take care, 

Tesla list wrote: 
> Original poster: "Gregory R. Hunter" <ghunter@accucomm.net> 
> Fellow Coilers, 
> What's the latest wisdom on strike rails?  Are they needed or not?  I'm 
> asking because I have just begun work on my all new 6" x 30" Tesla coil, 
> and I'm trying to decide if I need a strike rail or not.  I remember some 
> postings awhile back suggesting that strike rails were old hat and no 
> longer required.  This will be a "generic" coil of conventional design for 
> use with various power supplies ranging from 1600VA of NSTs on up to 4 or 
> 5KVA of pole xfmer input. 
> Best Regards, 
> Greg Hunter 
> www.angelfire.com/ga3/tesla