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Re: Strike Rail Yes? No?

HI Jon,

Fantastic information!  I personally blew a half inch hole in a line filter
"using" a strike ring (for some other reason unknown). Anyway, this is good
showing that a strike to the primary can cause damaging transients (due to the
failure almost immediately following the ring removal) . Is there anything
the specs of the filter that made it a weak link?


Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "Jon Rosenstiel" <jonr@pacbell.net>
> Greg,
> I have a similar system, 6x28 secondary, 5kVA pole pig. After reading some
> comments that strike rails are not necessary I removed mine. For a few
> minutes everything seemed cool, strikes to the primary and nothing happened.
> After about the 6th strike to the primary one of the line filters blew out
> in my power controller releasing  smoke and scaring the heck out of me!
> I now use strike rails.
> Regards,
> Jon Rosenstiel
> > Original poster: "Gregory R. Hunter" <ghunter@accucomm.net>
> >
> > Fellow Coilers,
> >
> > What's the latest wisdom on strike rails?  Are they needed or not?  I'm
> > asking because I have just begun work on my all new 6" x 30" Tesla coil,
> > and I'm trying to decide if I need a strike rail or not.  I remember some
> > postings awhile back suggesting that strike rails were old hat and no
> > longer required.  This will be a "generic" coil of conventional design for
> > use with various power supplies ranging from 1600VA of NSTs on up to 4 or
> > 5KVA of pole xfmer input.