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RE: NST in parallel?

	It will certainly work- I have been running 3 NST's in parallel
for several years with no problem. (giving me 12/90). Test your spark
when you connect the outputs together to ensure you are in phase.
By the way, anyone know where I can get a pig (12 to 15Kv) ?
(Southern UK)... I think it's time I graduated to one.
					Richard Barton

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 5:35 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: NST in parallel?

Original poster: "Alex Madsen" <alexmadsen@netzero.net> 

NST in parallel?

My deal for a 15/60 NST fell through so I was wondering it seems to me I
should be able to put 2 15/30 in parallel.  A yes or no if this will work
should be fine.