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My solid-state primary apparatus

I mentioned in a posting a couple of weeks ago the patent I'd been
granted covering the circuit that I use in the primary of my solid-state
T.c.  It's U.S. #6,069,413, "Apparatus for Generating an Alternating
Magnetic Field".  I neglected to notice that it didn't actually issue
until May 30th; since it now has issued, there may be some List members
who would want to get a copy of it.  The Patent Office makes that very
easy to do via the Web:  Just go to www.uspto.gov and proceed from there
to the patent-ordering section.  A copy costs $3 and they accept, via a
secure link and after registration of your name, address, etc., VISA, MC
and other plastic.

Some might also be interested in another patent of mine, # 4,862,042,
covering how to establish a standing-wave of ionization in a
gas-discharge tube.  I'd licensed that for commercial use, in signage,
and am currently at the end of my 5-year lawsuit against a former
licensee, for walking away from their contract.

I'd not recommend pursuing patents unless you are naturally contentious
and entrepenurial (or unless you want them purely for "wallpaper"); I am
not, so the several experiences have been pretty much of a trial (no pun,
but apposite).

Ken Herrick
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