
Re: Toroid question, heating of

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: FutureT@aol.com
> In a message dated 00-02-29 12:33:44 EST, you write:
> << Only if it has a finite resistance ;)
> >           Actually, it's coupled only loosely to all but the top turns so
> for
> > the most part doesn't have a huge impact on the resonator as a
> > whole although it must dissipate some energy as I have heard of
>  >some heating occurring in the topload of a CW coil.
> > Regards,
> > Malcolm >>

	I made some measurements here on the effect of putting a 4" x 12"
toroid on top of a little 3.2" by 14" coil here.  Lowered the resonant
frequency, of course, but had NO obvious effect on Q or inductance. 
When I measured the inductnce with a 1000 Hz bridge,I could see no
change at all in the inducatance (any change was certainly < 0.1%) no
matter where I placed the toroid on the outside of the coil.  I could
also see no effect on the Q, but it was fairly low at this frequency. 
By the way, some of my observations here lead me to suspect (no real
proof or very careful measurements) that there can be significant
heating of the top terminal because of the power dissipated in the
discharge next to it.  I first noticed this with a 2" brass door knob on
top of a little coil running with about 450 watts input.
