
Re: primary supports

Hi Fucian,
	Yes it can be! ask me how I know. I have come up with a design that is
both easy and cheap. I use 15 amp polypropylene connector blocks. I have
always called them "chocolate blocks" as they used to be brown in color.
They come in different varieties so you might have to look around. First
remove the brass insert from them ,then put two of them together with the
tops touching each other. This gives you a nice gap just wide enough to fit
1/4" tubing though with a 1/2" gap between turns. Hold them together with
cable ties in about 3 or 4 places. This makes a flexible mount that can be
teased into a conical shape if you wish. The ones I used have 11 connectors
on each block. If this is still unclear mail me off list and I will send
you a jpeg of my primary. Pushing the limits of adaptive technology in my
local hardware store. They still give me strange looks when I stare at the
pots and pans for hours, but they are getting used to it. Glad I live in a
town full of eccentrics.

bob golding

> From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: primary supports
> Date: 04 March 2000 03:33
> Original Poster: Fucian@aol.com 
> can some one tell me how to build a conical primary ?it looks hard and 
> detering