
Re: Bipolar coil

In a message dated 3/4/00 7:19:51 AM Central Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<< The second coil I ever built was the large bipolar coil in R.A. Ford's
 "Tesla Coil Secrets". The secondary was 12" in diameter and 48" long.
 (sonotube) The primary was 24" in diameter (10-turn helix) and 12" wide. I
 got good 18" streamers out of each end running an asynchronous rotary gap >>

Hi Dan,
That beastie sounds interesting. Do you remember anything about wire sizes
and number of turns? Also, how did you manage to form that huge primary and
how did you support it coaxially with the secondary? I can see a huge plastic
"Ferris wheel" thingy needing a 2nd mortgage.   ;-((

Happy Day,
Ralph Zekelman