
Re: NST insulations

>Original Poster: Megavolt121@aol.com
>Hi All,
>     I'm trying to enhance one of my 15/60 Jefferson NSts. Hopefully i can 
>200ma, but before i get there, I must overcome arcing problems. Right now
>while i cut off shunts(these da#@ Jefferson's don't have those
>"remove-a-shunts" and i need to cut them) it runs dry for testing to make
>sure it'll run. I usually run it dry for about 3-4 secs @ 75% power on my
>variac. After i push up the power, i get an arcing from my Secondary to my
>core. Of course i turn it off here. What i want to know is if there is
>anything temporary that i can use to prevent arcing during my testing? When
>i'm done w/ the de-shunting process, I plan on potting the nst back in
>vaseline. Is there anything bad w/ using Vaseline? I also have about 5
>gallons of mineral oil i can use to re-pot, but that is really really messy
>and i want to avoid that.

Having never de- or Re potted an NST I have a few questions :)

I have 3 15/60 Jeffersons (the baby-blue painted ones) filled with the 
standard Black Tar. They are all dead from Tesla Duty, most with one side 

1. Is a hot-plate suitable for cooking them? Other ideas? The oven is NOT an 
option :)

2. Can I do this without stinking up the house?

3. How do I remove the shunts?

4. How do I identify the shunts?

5. How many can I remove without toasting the thing?

6. If Vasoline is used, how do I make sure to fill all the air spaces?

7. What are other good potting compounds? I would prefer something easy to 
work with, and not liquid.

8 Is it better to keep it in it's original case, or would somehting like a 
5Gal bucket be better?

9. Can wooden forms be used to place and center the core in a bucket? (I 
have seen this done with BIG transformers in oil)

thanks guys.

Chris B.
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