
Re: Secondary static shocks (Was: NSTs...DEADLY)

Hi Stan, Andy, all,

> Original Poster: "Alex Crow" <user@alexcrow.clara.net>
> Stan,
> I never get used to my secondary shocks! With so many coats of varnish
>on my coil, on a dry day it can pack quite a wallop if picked up with
>both hands. Now I always use an earthed brush!!!!!!!

Use an old carbon LP antistatic brush. Connect a long wire to
the metal, holding the carbon coated bristles, and connect the
other end (or use a gator clip) to your RF ground. Keep it with
your coiling equipment. It takes off the static charges and cleans
your coil of dust at the same time ;o)). Great for discharging anything
of low power. Itīs a TCDASLPB. (Tesla Coil Donated AntiStatic
LP Brush ;o)) and it is NOT MMC certified (just in case someone
is thinking of discharging their MMC with it) ;o)).

Coiler greets from Germany,