
Re: Dreaming........

>Original Poster: "ross andrews" <sflourine@home.com>
>	Why not fire that power plant up?  I, for one, would be willing to make
>a donation to see a 50-100 MW coil.
>	Ross

I'd LOVE to :) the "Itty Bitty" hydroelectric [plant next door makes just 
under a Megawatt! To these guys that's nothing! lol

Good News: The plant would easily be capabile of 100MW, and probably MUCH 
more. There is a plant near here that makes 4.2 Billion watts everyday when 
they fire up all 3 turbines.

Now for the bad news.....

The plant hasn't been operational in well over 10 years, most of the copper 
in there (the turbines, cabeling, etc) is most likely scrapped out and gone. 
The boilers are shot for sure, and the rail lines (you do need coal you 
know) are gone.
The building and grounds are trashed, a long way from the immaculate 
structure and pictures I have seen from days gone by.

Not to mention it would require a staff of 50 men to bring the turbines 
online, after a complete restioration and such.

I'll be happy to restore the plant to it's original condition, if you have a 
couple hundred million to spare :) We could run only 1 turbine and have more 
than enough power for the coil and our facility, and sell the rest to pay 
the bills :). Though I don't see this happening.

Besides, it's COAL! I'd rather cover the hundreds of acres with solar cells 
and water pipe to run those big steam turbines. :) There's a large lake next 
to the building, and we have an abundant supply of fresh clean water. We 
could make a large solar array (not photovoltaic) and heat the thousands of 
gallons of water needed, pipe it through the turbines, and release the 
harmless steam to atmosphere, or condense it and return it to the lake, 
making it into bathwater in winter :) Great for fishing and swimming. Though 
it would probably screw up the ecology of the lake, in which case we would 
not return the warm water to the lake but to atmosphere.

Let's see.....the steam would make clouds, the coil would make 
lightning.......hmmmmmmmm This couls get interesting :)

Alright, who out there knows someone with a seven figure bank account to 
help fund the new venture? Check out the website for details on who we are 
and what we're doing. We need all the help we can get!

Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!

Christopher Boden
President / Founder
The Geek Group

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