
Re: Dreaming........

Worth noting:

> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com> 
> Comments interspersed....
> >Original Poster: Megavolt121@aol.com
> >
> >Chris,
> >     Remember, Tesla coils are not only dangerous, but they disrupt radio
> >frequencies!!! If you ran a big coil like you want to(after you
> >get through funding probs and that you get permits if required) you will 
> >then
> >be spending millions on lawyer fees. don't even go into that direction.
> ALright, not I've heard "It can't be done!" I have to try this now :)
> Alright, with proper tuneing and an immaculate design it should be possible 
> to make a "Clean" coil. I have seen the wonders done with commercial 
> transmitters and the work involved in makeing them stay on freq and perfect, 
> it's not a simple process :) But it can be done. Shielding and grounding 
> should help a deal too.
> Also the location would help, it's 5 miles from ANYTHING and on hundreds of 
> acres of lonely land. :)

True - this all minimizes broadband noise. With a narrow band CW 
system one can end up with a powerful signal at just one frequency 
of course. However, output discharges and gap discharges make 
broadband noise. Anyone who's run a commercial transmitter with a 
sparking aerial would have seen this happening.  Steep discharge 
risetimes are step functions which have a significant spectrum of 
frequencies (theoretically infinite although at some point the power 
sinks below background noise).
