
Re: Secondary static shocks (Was: NSTs...DEADLY)

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Alex Crow" <user@alexcrow.clara.net>
> Stan,
> I never get used to my secondary shocks! With so many coats of varnish on my
> coil, on a dry day it can pack quite a wallop if picked up with both
hands. Now
> I always use an earthed brush!!!!!!!
> Alex
> Tesla List wrote:
> > Original Poster: "Stan" <sdarling@columbus.rr.com>
> >
> > The secondary shock is almost certainly some form of static discharge.
> > I have gotten a shock from touching my secondary many times, but it's
> > more like the winter touch the doorknob static shock than an AC mains or
> > NST shock.  These static shocks can be unnerving, especially when you
> > are new to coiling.  But, after a while, you get used to them and don't
> > even notice them any more.

	As a matter of interest, ran some experiments on two small secondaries
yesterday.  They're identical except for one thing.  One is coated with
shellac, and the other with urethane varnish.  The shellacked (sp?) one
exhibits the static effect, the urethaned one doesn't!  By the way, it
was a rainy day.  Can't say what any of that means, if anything at all.
