
Re: The worlds Largest Coil

     If you really want to build the biggest coil in the world, you should 
     talk to Greg Leyh, the Electrum guy.  www.lod.org is his website I 
     believe.  His Advanced Lightning Facility proposal is pretty 
     interesting.  I remember hearing that the coils(!) he's proposing are 
     within 10% of the theoretical limit on coil size, although I won't 
     pretend I know what those limits are.  So if he actually gets the darn 
     thing built, it'll not only be the 2 biggest coils in the world, it'll 
     be the 2 biggest coils possible, more or less!!! Pretty exciting 
     stuff.  If I was Bill Gates I'd write him a check in a heartbeat:)
     I would be interested in hearing from any list members on what the 
     upper limits on tesla coil size are.  I remember it had something to 
     do with the frequency getting too low, maybe?

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: The worlds Largest Coil
Author:  Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> at InterNet
Date:    3/6/00 1:14 PM

Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com> 
Proposed design ideas.
Remove one (or both) of the existing stacks and use the heavy foundation to 
mount the coil on. This gives us 10 stories above ground to start with.
The coil is to be the largest of it's type in the world with a minimum 
margin of 10% to the existing record holder.
The coil is to be of permanant construction and design. With a duty cycle of 
at least 1 5min run every 24 hours at midnight.
The coil is to be impervious to the effects of rain, snow, and 50MPH wind 
gusts. (Can guy lines be used?)
The coil is to have a discharge point in order to prevent damage to the 
building beneath it and strikes to the HV power lines (138KV)in the 
substation next to it while still makeing thew longest possible arcs. Ideas?
Have fun:)
Chris B.
The Geek Group
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