
Re: The worlds Largest Coil


I have three comments:
1)  I would pay $$$ to see it work (and I'd donate a little if I weren't a poor
college student :-(  ).

2)  the 13M produces at least 55 foot sparks.  If you create a 1/2 wave coil,
the two towers would need to be 110+' at least to be considered the biggest.
However, I suppose that 40' would cut it for the largest 1/2 wave....

3)  Be certain that you wouldn't be waking up people within 10 miles with the
sound of the lightning!

Good luck....


Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
> We went out to the new facility yesterday, talked to some people, and looked
> around. This is what we know.
> The towers are very nearly 85' tall.
> They sit 40' apart.
> They are about 15' in diameter.
> They are on top of a 9 or 10 story building.


> The coil is to be of permanant construction and design. With a duty cycle of
> at least 1 5min run every 24 hours at midnight.
