
Re: Saturatable reactor Questions

In a message dated 3/7/00 2:31:29 PM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

 If you are going to run with a pole pig at around 6-7 kVA you need to use 8
 or 10 AWG on the reactor.  The 12 AWG will overheat due to the short term
 spikes when the xmfr is momentarily shorted.  These peaks sometimes go to
 nearly 100 amps for short periods of time.
 Dr. Resonance
I use a 5,000 watt light dimmer (variac) for a reactor for my coil.  When 
running at 6-7 kva, I have tried adjusting the reactor and noticed the 
brushes really don't like that.  I got smoke doing this once.  Now I only do 
reactor adjustmets at less than full power.

Ed Sonderman