
Re: Salt water caps

Hello Tom,

Either wrapping them tightky with duct tape or electrical tape will allow
better contact between the foil and glass, increasing capacitance
alittle. It also makes cleaning up and getting rid of a broken one far
easier, as the tape holds all the broken glass together, and stops it
from just pouring out all the salt water and oil. Using SW rather than Al
foil will increase the C even more, and is about as good as you can make
a SW cap. I usually found each winebottle to be about 1000pF, or 1nF, so
doing either of these may not help.

Grayson Dietrich

On Tue, 07 Mar 2000 18:38:44 -0700 Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> writes:
> Original Poster: "Tom Stathes" <newphreak_16@yahoo.com> 
> Hello all,
> I was wondering if anyone could offer some insite on the salt water 
> cap.  I
> presently am using 7 of these in my coil,  Ther are 1L wine bottles, 
>  (They are
> all Mondave wine bottles.)  They are wraped with Al foil, but not 
> with tape. 
> They each have a cppacitenece of  ~ 0.9nf.  Would wraping them in 
> tape bring up
> the capacitence.  If i were to go with the saltwater bath method how 
> much do
> you think it would increase the capacitence by?  I need to make a 
> .03uf cap,
> but i dont want to use 30 bottles.  
> Thanks, 
> --Tom
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