
Tesla coil papers on the web??

Hi All,

	I have a number of papers about Tesla coils I would like to put on my web
site.  I haven't had time yet but I would like to ask...

Does anoyone know of any papers that the authors DO NOT want publically
posted??  Many of the papers are obviously meant for "anyone that will
listen" distribution but a few are a bit questionable.  If any one knows of
authors that are sensitive about such things please let me know.

I "think" the Corums are, so I won't put up any of their papers (I can, of
course, if they wish).

I have a paper "Input Impedance of a Tesla coil" by Dr. Gary L. Johnson.
If anyone knows him, I would like to ask permission to post his great paper.

All of "my" papers, programs, and such are totally public domain.  If that
is ever a question, consider it answered now!

These are all great works but I don't want to step on any toes...

Contact me off list or on if of general interest.

