

>Original Poster: "Dr. Resonance" <Dr.Resonance@next-wave.net>
>Other issues need to be addressed -- seriously.  If you try to start this
>project without enough up front capital it will fail and perhaps in a way
>you never thought about.

That's why we need the help of MANY people to pull something of this size 
together. There are a thousand little things that I either don't know about, 
or haven't thought of. There is no possible way the Group could do something 
like this by ourselves.

>Imagine -- you are working with cranes and rather large heavy objects.  It
>doesn't sound like you have a ton of construction experience, so let's
>assume for a minute that somethings slips or falls and hits someone below.
>Their insurance company will pay for their injuries or death, and then --
>sue you for every nickel you have.  It could you 10's of thousands of
>dollars in legal fees alone just to defend yourself in court.
>Not trying to be a total pessimist here, but just pointing out more
>important project fundamentals you need to address besides how big the 
>is, etc.  If you don't have good insurance for at least $1,000,000 then
>don't even think of starting this project.  If something goes wrong 
>and all their insurance companies will either clean you out or force you
>into bankruptcy.
>Again, if you don't have proper funding for all phases of a large project 
>don't start it because you may seriously regret it all later when the
>dominoes begin to topple.
>In today's "sue everyone" society you have to consider all venues prior to
>proceeding with any large project.
>Dr. Resonance

I agree completely. We will need to have incredible (and costly..poo) 
insurance for the entire complex, not just the coil. And that is just one of 
the many headaches I have to deal with in my day to day running of the 

We will be raiseing capital for much more than the coil itself. We are 
already working on starting a larve capital campaign for the Group and the 
Avalon facility. The Coil budget is a part of that.

I have obtained, and remodeled a large facility before. Our last building 
was 26,800SgFt in Grand Rapids MI. When we got it it was disgusting, to the 
point of having a complete dead deer carcas on the second floor (in July, 
and it had been the a while). Plus exploded pipes, crack addicts, no 

After 4 months of my crew and I filling a 40CuYd dumpster a day, it was 
ready to start the remodel. We're not afraid of work, and I am not above 
puching a broom.

You're right about unforseen costs. It's the stupid things that get 
you....LIGHT BULBS!!, Lawn mowers, and doorknobs were my first lesson in 
this. It's not easy. The cure? Put a budget of 10% of your overal to Misc. 
It usually works well, and often keeps you underbudget in the end.

Right now while we are going through the BS-Red Tape-and paperwork to GET 
the building I need to start on the Design of the Avalon Coil. That's where 
the feedback from this list helps GREATLY. I can have a complete idea of 
exactly what I will need to get donated, or buy, and be able to form a 
complete budget for the project.

We added 14 new sponsors for the Geekmobiles with unit 3, I expect to add 
over a hundred for the Avalon Coil easily, with the raw materials, and 
construction, this is easy to do.

The bonus is the facility itself helps with the design and construction. We 
have a large isolated area that lends itself perfectly to such a project. 
This is just a part of the many things that will be at the Avalon Complex, 
but the coil will definately be the biggest.

I implore the members of this list who have experiance in such things to 
contact me off list. We cannot do this alone. This could be a wonderfull 
project, possibly the biggest coil any of us ever get's to even see, much 
less help build, in our lifetimes. How many people went to see the movie of 
the Electrum project? Wouldn't you like to be able to BE in the movie of the 
Avalon project?

There are a thousand little issues to be addressed here, I never said this 
would be easy. But if we do good now, in the early stages, with design and 
planning. It will help a HUGE amount in the actual construction. There is NO 
reason why we can NOT built this coil. And I want the names of a hundred or 
more people on the builderplate.

I have posted the current designspecs to the website, we rebuilt the entire 
site and netscape is happy now. These will be updated daily.

Now let's get to work, and get into Guinness :)

Christopher Boden
The Geek Group

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