
Re: Interesting Skin Depth Data


Yes, I thought that should be the effect...Obviously not something to allow
bigger coils....


Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" <acmq@compuland.com.br>
> The arcs start when the potential difference between the terminal and
> (in the case) you is high enough, in absolute value. What you feel is
> a series of DC discharges, in no way different from discharges from an
> electrostatic generator. The case when you don't feel the discharge
> happens when you are directly connected to the terminal, insulated from
> the ground, and possibly producing streamers to the air from points
> attached to your body (-not- arcs to ground). In this case there are
> only RF currents, mainly at the coil operating frequency, through you.
> Arcs always have a strong DC component, that you feel.
> Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz