
Re: Avalon

Hi Chris,
                I think you might begin by choosing one of two starting 
points for any design:  either the sparklength you require (if you 
have unlimited power (and money) available or the input power you 
have on hand. The basic spec for a design should tumble out of 
such a  requirement I would think.  Electrum had a similar starting 
point but also had the odd restriction imposed on its physical 
construction by artistic requirements which shouldn't be a 
consideration for you. I'd be interested to hear what others have to 


> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com> 
> Alright. Let's start with design.
> 1. Should the system be AC or DC? Why?
> 2. Components size? (ie, tower height? Sec. wire size?)
> 3. Primary type? (I am thinking interior helical like Electrum, but is there 
> a better way?) I would like to be able to change tuneing without too much 
> hassle.
> 4. Topload? I am thinking a large sphere with interior tubeular frame 
> covered in a polished stainless skin, monocoque construction. With a 1" 
> tapped hole at the top for attachment of removeable devises (breakout points 
> ...etc)
