
Re: Discharge impedance - more

In a message dated 3/13/00 1:01:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 
>  snip
> I notice that when I turn off the RF while the discharge is running, it
>  makes a nice pop sound.  This may be an indication that pulsing the
>  discharge will indeed have neat effects.  I need to wire up a LMC555 timer
>  and find the control connector pinouts still, but pulsing the coil should
>  be a lot of fun.

Hi Terry,

This pop sounds like the beginning of the continuous popping sound
I get in my staccato pulsed coils.  At certain pulse rates, the sound
can get quite loud and interesting, and to me is one of the most
interesting aspects of a staccato VTTC.

John Freau
>  I took some video pictures, digital pictures, and the diagram of the thing
>  that I posted to the net for your entertainment:
>  http://www.peakpeak.com/~terryf/tesla/misc/cw/
>  As usual, I apologize for the focus, lighting, exposure and all :0)))
>  Cheers,
>   Terry