
Re: Coupling seems a bit high

for coupling coefficient, the
> following was found: 
> At 2.59V, M = 627.4uH, K = 0.302 
> At 2.24V, M = 542.6uH, K = 0.261 
> At 1.99V, M = 482.1uH, K = 0.232 
> Coil size is 12.5" x 43.5" using a flat spiral
> primary with 2" spacing. I
> use a pole pig and typically run with bottom of the
> secondary about 1"
> above the primary. This is the point where racing
> sparks don't occur. 
> The K of 0.232 seems a bit high to me. Has anyone
> else found they can run
> at this high of K? It may have something to do with
> the coil size and power
> levels used. Just curious if this seems high to
> others in your typical run
> modes. 
They can.I saw 10 kVA unit with k~0.28 ,secondary
height 7' / big  electrode on top .It worked
No racing sparks or any problems.
I guess it has lot to do with power used , peak
voltage and coil size and construction overall.
Usually,critical coupling when max.power transferr
occurs may cause problems /expressed freq.splitting  
and racing sparks if coil size  is constructed near
maximum capability of withstanding peak power and
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