
Re: Avalon....design ideas...

Still on the negative binge, I've come up with more questions on the 
feasibility of the project. Trust me, I've got no shortage of them.

What will the neighbors say?

Who are the adjacent landowners and tennants? Will any of them raise an
issue with the project? (Called "Injunction to Cease and Desist") Getting
them on your side will be like getting the natives to allow you to clear-cut
their forest. What are they going to get out of it besides a 'gee-whiz'?
I wouldn't assume that they won't have unreasonable fears of a "lightning
machine". Make sure they know that it's not part of a Govt. Mind Control
Experiment and all that. Not to mention the issues that they don't have a
clue about, like frying all their computers with the induced RF on the 1st
run. It would be a real bummer to have built the thing and have your
investors sue your a** off for failure to do 'due diligence' in your

> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
> This is the website details of the Avalon project so far. I am posting them
> to the list for peer comment and review :)