
Re: Re[2]: Copper primary web-page

At 04:06 PM 3/12/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Paul Mathus" <pmathus@learningco.com> 
>I like your page, and I in fact used your method for staggering the holes 
>when making my primary supports.  It worked great!
>However, as far as securing the primary tubing to the supports goes, 
>another cool method that I learned from someone's website which I 
>can't remember, is as follows:
>After you've drilled your holes in the primary supports, you have to 
>cut off the top to fit in the tubing.  Instead of bisecting the holes, 
>and then screwing the top piece back on, or ziptying the tubes in, you 
>cut off only about 1/3 of the holes.  Then you just snap in the 
>tubing.  Here's a primitive ascii picture:
>_________    ________    __________ 
>        /    \      /    \
>       |      |    |      |
>       |      |    |      |
>        \____/      \____/

Excellent idea! Then you could still put the tops of the slats back on with
nylon thumbscrews if you wanted to. Of course you'd only get one set of
slats for one coil this way...but who's building more than one primary at a
time anyway, right? :)
Thanks for the feedback!