
Re: Project Sam, ASRG

Never use a non-synchro RSG with a NST.  You will fry the xmfr in short

Dr. Resonance

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Monday, March 13, 2000 12:21 AM
Subject: Project Sam, ASRG

>Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
>I built a toy ASRG with the following specs:
>6" Bakelite (or some other hard black plastic that doesn't conduct) rotor
>thick with 6 poles made from 8/32 bolts.
>1 stationary electrode is a 1" brass sphere (I use these for all my gaps)
>tapped 1/4-20
>1 stationary electrode is a piece of 10AWG copper wire hooked to a bolt.
>a 36V DC motor (the motor and disk came from an antique IBM tape drive, one
>of the old Washing Machines) The motor is about 5"X10" and VERY powerfull,
>maybe 1/8 Hp or so, it will spin on 1.8VDC :) I have a pair and we were
>going to use them for robotics work.
>The motor is marked as the following:
>2517826 EC A02540
>01A (E56617) 116398-00
>36VDC Nominal
>It's crude, tiny, and ugly, but it works. I'm happy :) It's my first
>at ANY kind of a rotary gap and I am learning a lot. I hooked it up to a
>12/30 and was enthralled with ajusting the speed to match mains resonance
>I could make it stop sparking even though it was spinning like mad :)
>Hey, I'm easily entertained, alright?
>My question is, if I am useing a properly set safety gap with a center
>ground, why can I not use an ASRG on Sam? I have heard a million times they
>eat NST like mad. I expect the safety to fire a lot while the ASRG gets up
>to speed, but if working right, it should be fine. Any overvoltage will be
>dumped to ground and even at slow speeds with the safety going nuts the
>should work. Right?
>I REALLY want to try this with Sam and improve my performance.
>Alright, tell me why this wont work. I think it will, and safely, but I've
>been breathibng a lot of O3 and nitrogen oxides for an hour in a small room
>too :) (cough)
>Have fun.
>Chris (cough) Boden
>The Geek Group
>Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
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