
RE: Ultraviolet light from brush discharge.

At 05:17 PM 3/13/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Sarah Thompson" <sarah@telergy.com> 
>Whether this is dangerous depends on the brightness of the UV and your
>distance from it. Have you had 'arc eye', that is, have you had a problem
>where your eyes feel like they are full of sand or grit and are very sore
>after running your coil? 


Well, this is very interesting! I've had those very same symptoms many
times. I'll have to see if I can find a correlation between the times I've
had this happen, and Tesla coil runs. Sheesh, I always thought it was from
too much beer and not enough water ;)
Hmmm...since I never drink and coil at the same time...? Maybe first
coiling, then beer? ;)
I'll have to see.
Thank for the info!