
Re: Avalon

>Original Poster: "Jim Lux" <jimlux@jpl.nasa.gov>
> >            owing to lack of time I'm not really reading the list at the
> > moment but I couldn't resist this one.....
><<snip of Nick's post and entirely valid comments>>
>All who contemplate huge coils.. Nick has a included a nice list of some of
>the myriad factors you'll need to consider.  Christopher, even if you never
>build the coil, you'll have accumulated some useful research material on
>the non-electrical aspects of building one. Make sure you publish it, if
>you can, because just as you can benefit from Bill Wysock's writeup of the
>13M testing, (not to mention everyone's benefit from Colo Spgs notes,
>etc.), those who follow (doesn't that sound ominous<grin>) can benefit from
>your hard work, too..

EVERYTHING will be throughly documented and published. I'm a fanatic for 
notes :) And I would love to do anything I can to further the research of 
the Tesla Community.

> >
> > I'm not saying don't do it, but realise the implications of doing it.  
> > you plan to open this to the public then you've got to build it 
> > The skills you need aren't tesla building, but construction and project
> > management.  The coil design is easy compared to getting it built on 
> > and on budget (now where have I heard that before......)
> >
> > BTW: To get the record you'll actually need to build a 650kVA system as 
> > believe Robert Golka and co.'s old coil is now running at 600kVA for 
> > test purposes. The HAARP research probably beats that one as well but
> > one's a touch classified...;-)
>One might want to see some first hand evidence of Golka's coil and the
>power levels before you work to beat it.. Of course, I think that 1 MVA has
>a nice ring to it, and makes Golka's coil moot...
>Let's see... at $0.10/kWh.. 1 MVA = $100/hr running cost..not too bad..

The current design is 660VAC, though the thought of a 15KV feed at a 
reasonable amperage for 1MVA has been kicked around. I like the idea, it 
will easilty get us the record and it would not be appreciably harder to 
design. I am seriously thinking this is the way to go. If yer onna build 
one, might as well go all the way :)

>HAARP is a giant phased array in Alasak, last I checked, and isn't a single
>transmitter or antenna, even though the power is quite high.  Most all of
>HAARP is unclassified, except the details of how they intend to ELF
>modulate the ionization and whether it propagates subsurface.

I dated a HAARP player once :)

>Lots of transmitters, lots of redundancy, lots of survivability....Takes a
>nuclear hit and keeps on ticking..

Kinda like that little thing from DARPA.....i think they called it the 
internet or something...it cought on rather well.

Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
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The Geek Group
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