
Pspice in OZ/Variac as v/inductor

Hi All,

 To all those in Australia, I had my ISP download the student version
of pspice from ORCAD's ftp server, (I tried but gave up after 6 hours
only half finished), (it's the student version that works with your
files Terry :-)).

 It will be there for the near future at least at


Now, I've had to get all my old electronics books out.
After liberall doses of fly spray etc. I started to read....

In the inductors section it mentioned that when using a variable
i.e. variac etc to vary current, you can avoid autotransformer action
in the unused winding by shorting the wiper to the unused end of the
main variac winding.

<I>     |
<I>     |

I did a quick test on my SRSG variac with my dmm, but
the results seemed inconclusive, perhaps due to no
significant load on the variac.

Will this method work?, as it would certainly save a few
variacs out there.

Best Regards

 Robin Copini