
Re: Avalon - Truth vs fantasy

Hi All

At 10:19 15/03/2000 -0800, Scott wrote:

>Here Mr. Boden again references the "(Positronic) drive prototype", and the
>"$72,000 damage estimate" that it suffered in the "accident",
>"4 years of design and construction",  "getting the (plasma) nozzles
>right", etc, etc.
>Pathological liar or psychological basket case?

There is just something unique about the mystique of Tesla which attracts 
all kinds of folks.

I, like you, suspect it is 99.9% BS but just every now and again one of 
these "BS-artists" manages by complete chance to push the right button of a 
major corporate sponsor.

I suspect the real costs for a 250kVA coil would be well over $US1M, and 
the design/construction time would be around 2-3 years.  If they found 
backing for this then I imagine the likes of Greg/Bill/etc (who might 
actually be able to build this) would be interested.

Actually, if the Geeks were REALLY SERIOUS, they would be offering their 
site and chasing sponsorship for the following:


I think we would all concede that this will likely work ....... and I would 
pay the air-fare to see that !!!!



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