
Re: weird primary design

Draw lines from corner to corner to give yourself a good guide. Drill the
holes by hand at the required spacing (say 1/2").

The only problem is that you'll probably get arcing along the surface of
the board.  Support the turns of the primary off the board about an inch
with anything convenient. For instance, get a piece of 1/2" or 3/4" pvc
pipe and cut a bunch of one inch pieces as standoffs, then use nylon wire
ties (or string or anything insulating) to tie the primary down.
n=nylon tie, P= primary tube, s= tubing standoff, bb= board

 s   n  n   s
 s   n  n   s
 s   n  n   s

> From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: weird primary design 
> Date: Thursday, March 16, 2000 3:28 AM
> Original Poster: Fucian@aol.com 
> Hi,       
> since I dont have any access to a saw or a drill press,I was wondering if
> could take my main 2ft by 2ft board and drill holes where the normal
> wire supports would be.Then I would simply put wire ties on each set of
> thus holding down a turn of the primary.Any one know how to preform the 
> primary or know any other alternatives to this since I dont have a saw
> cutting slats or a drill press for drilling precise holes?