
Re: tuning?

>Original Poster: "bobby haring" <bobbyharing@hotmail.com>
>hi all,
>i may sound stupid but what is tuning and how do you accomplish it?
>   bob
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Hi Bobby,

It would be stupid if you don't ask things you don't know (or things you
already know)! TC's can kill you, so it's much better to ask and maybe feel
stupid than don't ask and get cooked!

Tuning is adjusting the primary coil in that way that the primary coil icw
the primary cap is resonating on the same frequency as the secondary coil
and cap. Normally this is done by connecting the primary coil on different
points and to look if the spark length is increasing. You could compare it
with tuning a receiver to get another radio station. By turning the
'tuning-knob' you change the capacitance of a capacitor that's part of a cc
combination. It doesn't matter if you change a capacitor or a coil. If you
increase the cap and at the same time you make the coil smaller, you could
end up with the same resonance frequency.

As you probably know the primary cc (coil/capacitor) combination is
completely different from the secondary cc. The primary consist of a big cap
and a small coil and with the secondary it is just the other way around.
However if you calculate the resonance frequencies they are about the same.
By tuning you bring them more together. If you use the search engine in the
archives (www.pupman.com) you will find mega-info about this subject.

Good Coiling!
Ruud de Graaf