
Important Note (was The worlds Largest Coil)

(mass edited)

> Original Poster: "Bryan L. Kaufman MD, MS" <bryan@apexrad.com>
> It sounds like the project is already in need of government activists to
> lobby the FCC, Lawyers to start drafting waivers and disclaimers,( and to
> get Bill moved out), and accountants to start tracking the money both in and
> out.
> And we haven't even started to look for construction, moving, advertisement,
> corporate investment specialists and marketers and all of the 100's of other
> things a project this scale will need. Have you done this before?
> Hmmm, what is the development budget here?
> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
> >
> > There will be a lot of headaches with FCC regs. We will be perfectly by the
> > book and I have a broadcast engineer on staff with 20 years experiance.
> > She's having kittens. If I had told her I was planning on giving birth to a
> > water buffalo I think she would have taken it better than when she was
> > to come on to help with the Avalon project.....lol
> >
> > Maybe I'll get it UL listed.....lol
> >
> >>
> >>Obviously this thing can't be done on the sly, so you'll have to be
> >>strictly
> >>above board with the operations. What license would cover this transmission
> >>facility?
> >
> > Whatever the FCC requires us to have. The problem is that that alone can
> > easily double the budget requirements. Having government assistance for
> > will be a great help. Guys like the NSF, NEA, and others will LOVE to
have a
> > toy like this built and have the power to "bend" the rules for us.
> >
> > These are great questions that I want to know the answers to myself. But
> > there are 500 listees out there with call signs that know much mroe than I
> > do about these ones so I'll let them answer them. I have no idea, I'm just
> > the idiot in charge, so I'm not allowed to know everything that's going
> > on....lol

Please.... PLEASE do not head off half-cocked, and start taunting
government agencies!  There are already standard procedures for 
operating unique multi-megawatt RF facilities, if you just go out 
and do a small amount of research.  Bribes or favors are not required,
and convincing *any* bureaucracy that Tesla Coils warrant special
attention is a recipe for disaster... not only for Avalon, but for 
any other organization that wishes to operate in that parameter space.

I apologize for having to be so dry and serious about this point.
