
Re: Building a Primary

This is how I splice copper tubing.  First of all I use only 1/4" copper
tubing on
all my primary coils.  After building several primary coils I always end up
several short pieces of tubing.  I file the burrs out of the inside of the
Next I cut 4 pieces of #12 solid copper wire 1" long.  I then insert the 4
into the copper tubing so that 1/2" of the wire is inside the tubing and
the other
half is hanging out. Sometimes its hard to get all 4 wires to slide in
because they
fit tight in a bundle. If you can't get them to slide in then replace one
of the
#12 wires with a smaller #14 wire and try again.  Then carefully solder the
to the tubing on the inside.  Next slide another piece of copper tubing
over the 4
wires and solder it on the inside.  Push it all together and hold it for
about 60
seconds until it cools.  If the connection has any excess solder on the
outside of
the copper tubing file it off smooth.

Gary Weaver

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "David W" <Dav_W926@hotmail.com>
>     Does anyone have a good method of connecting the ends of copper
tubing in a
> primary when the primary is made of 2 seperate pieces of copper tubing?
>     ~Dave