
Re: build perfect cheap toroid!!!

>Original Poster: "Arwin C. Wijnschenk" <solva@xs4all.nl>
>Dear all,
>Ever considered the following for building your own beautiful and
>working toroid? i bought a secondhand truck inner tyre. Inflated it
>manually and covered the tyre with ligaments of aluminumfoil. The
>ligaments were laid double as armwrists around the ring, so I made about
>25 double rings next to each other. ´Glue´ the ends of the ligaments
>with vaseline or fat, no glue or tape! Wrap all of the the tyre in
>plastic domestic foil (to keep food fresh) and inflate the tyre a bit
>more. All rinkles in the (aluminum)foil will disappear and the ligaments
>will move towards eachother or tear here and there but because of the
>double layer and the glueing with vaseline you wont see.
>Here´s your 10 U$ perfect toroid!
Congratulations Arwin!!!

Now, that's what I call creative thinking!
How big is it? Can you show on the net? Did you had any problems you didn't

Ruud de Graaf
Greetings from a fellow Dutchman