
Re: SRSG motor anomoly

In a message dated 3/21/00 6:25:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

> Then, I applied a little load to the rotor by gently pressing on it with my
>  hand.  The rotor position rotated about 10 degrees, then a full 90 degrees
>  (to the next pole).  It took surprisingly little pressure to cause this.  I
>  was wondering if I need to grind a little more off the armature?  I
>  machined 4 flats .675" across, which is the distance between the two "dead"
>  poles in the winding.  That is according to the directions I found on
>  Terry's site.  Is it possible that the motor is crap?  It was replaced in a
>  furnace.
>  Thanks
>  Mark B.


If your motor armature is about 3 3/8" diameter, then the flats
should be about 1 1/16" wide.  My 1/4HP motor has those dimensions
and I can't shift the position by hand like that.  If the armature is
smaller, then the flats should be smaller in proportion.  I dont' think
the dead spot idea works in all cases, I like to go by actual proportions.

John Freau