
Re: Glass Capacitor

In a message dated 3/22/00 8:04:44 PM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

> Original Poster: "Scott Stephens" <Scott2@Mediaone.net> 
>  Who has used plate glass for their capacitor, what specs and what results? 
>  remember someone complaining a while back it was very heavy. I'm 
>  stacked plates with aluminum foil in between:
>  10" x 10" with 1/4" on the edges painted with corona dope
>  .05" or .1" thick plate glass for 12KV?
>  Thanks,
>  Scott


Glass is miserable stuff; heavy, lossy, bulky, subject to breakage, and must
be run in oil or similar to reduce corona.  It works probably similar to salt
water/ bottle caps, probably slightly better.

John Freau