
Re: Building an SRSG

In a message dated 3/24/00 4:15:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

>  Original Poster: Megavolt121@aol.com 
>  Hi all,
>    AFter reading many posts about grinding down the rotors etc, i was
>  wondering why can't you just start out by buying a sync motor? are there
>  drawbacks to doing this? i know that if this is easier, i'll go this route
>  when i actually decide to build an RSG
>  -Alan


Yes, it is easier to just buy a sync motor, but they tend to be expensive
and sometimes hard to find second-hand.  The only caveat is to avoid
the type of sync motors that can lock to many "positions".  This type
will have to be re-phased to the AC each time the rotary is started up.
Hysterisis, and salient pole types will work OK.  There may be other
types that are OK too, I'm not a sync motor expert.

The induction motor modification is popular because these motors can
be obtained so easily and cheaply, and because the modification is so
easy to do.

John Freau