
Experimenting again...

Hi All....

been playing around in the shop for most of the day ....  made another
coil from some spare parts..  and modified the Pig system 

the smaller coil is a 8X24 #22wire sec     15 degree primary 11 turns
1/4" cu tubing .25" spacing  cap is 40KV .0265uF   topload is 5"X24"
(odXod)   spark gap is the Amazing SD gap   power is 4 @ 15KV/30mA
units    output from topload is about 4 feet   the SD gap is working
really well with this setup... 

as for the pig system ...  Secondary is 8X33 #22 wire   flat primary
with 3/8" cu tubing .25" spacing, tapped at 4.75 turns   14.4 pig power 
topload is 1@ 4X16 and a 5X24 ( odXod)   spark gap is a single set
tungsten air blown ( gonna hook up the SRSG tomarrow ) 

the cap was one of the main modifications i made...  I took apart one of
those PFC caps used by the utility company  it had 18 "packets" of
 figured each to be worth 2KV each at 4.0uF ..  I put all 18 in series
for 36KV at .222uF ...   but alas this was too big ..  so I unwound half
of the material off of each packet for a new cap value of .125uF @

Streamer output is about 6 feet with the variac at 50% ( 120 or so volts
in) had the inductor set for about 8 amps  with surges to 15 amps  (
need a resistor ;)  ) 

didnt have the nerve to run the variac up to 250V  or run the inductor
up to 30 amps

BTW   i created a linear variable inductor too  :)   goes from 5 Amps
min to 20 amps max @ 240 V     this unit is really nice :)   more on
this later...

Its been a Good Day   :)  

Scot D