
Re: TC Limits

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Mark Fergerson" <mfergerson1@home.com>
> Tesla List wrote:
> >
> > Original Poster: "Ruud de Graaf" <rdegraaf@daxis.nl>
>   <snip me>
> > Hi Mark,
> >
> > I think for you a TC is indeed not the right option. A TC has a lot of
> > parameters influencing eachother. For some people (700+ registrated at the
> > moment) this is a blessing, because that's making it interesting to
> > experiment with it and optimize with the available options. You could
> > compare it with making loudspeaker boxes. You could buy them, but for a lot
> > of people it satisfies more to make them themself and they never can be
> > perfect,  so the urge to make another pair stays.
>   Hm. I was kinda afraid of that- it seems there are still a lot of
> unknowns in TC work to be nailed down. I can live with that. I like
> the loudspeaker enclosure analogy, too, having had some personal
> experience there. I'm cursed with perfect absolute pitch, you see.
> Most commercial speakers are pure crap IMHO. I guess we're lucky
> nobody makes TC's commercially, eh?
> > For a pulse mode 50KV supply I think you could best search on the net for
> > "laser power supply" or "Sam's laser faq".
>   I bookmarked Sam's site some time ago. I was looking at a TC because
> I want to build as much of this thing as I can, and I don't need a
> whole lot of output current. A TC is such an elegant thing, so few
> components for so much results. The voltage requirement is contingent
> on several factors I haven't nailed down yet, so I am still exploring
> options.
> > What I don't understand is why you are so wurrying about limits and
>   I keep getting told that "certain things won't work" without any
> justification. I hate that and wanted some ideas from experts who, if
> they haven't done what I'm talking about, can at least tell me _why_ I
> shouldn't bother. Most electronic systems scale nicely (with some
> adjustment, of course) and a TC should, too, no?
>   Details like how to determine the coupling between coils before
> winding them should be straightforward from geometry, but I don't know
> how, and was hoping somebody could give me a clue.
>   My question about length/diameter ratio was prompted by an offhand
> response from sci.physics.electromag; I've since gotten a more
> detailed private reply that cleared some of it up for me.
>   As for my question about frequency limits, it relates to how often I
> want an output pulse, and I established 1 MHz as a starting point only
> to be told "no go" again without justification. That, and I'm curious
> about how small a TC can be built and still work "satisfactorily".
>   Maybe I'm just too lazy, but I want to eliminate certain design
> options as "bad" without having to build them first. I also want to
> know why just for the sake of knowing stuff, I guess. That may be a
> conflict I'll have to resolve with a soldering iron; I should bestir
> myself and make a contribution somewhere. If nobody else has explored
> this area yet, I may discover something interesting...
> > Ruud de Graaf
> > Greetings from Holland
>   Cheerful wave from the US!
> > BTW: what does TIA stands for?
>   Oops! Sorry; it means "Thanks In Advance".
>   Mark L. Fergerson

Hi Mark

Consult the archive look  for mini coil ,micro coil ,wall plug TC, etc...

Luc Benard (Montreal)