
RE: Secondary form length question


You may want to remove the lever from this design and place a small air
bag/balloon at the base of the secondary (inside the Base tube). Connecting
a small hand pump to the bag via vinyl tubing would provide the operator
with electrical insulation and freedom of movement.

My $0.02

Brian B.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 3:59 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Seconday form length question

Original Poster: "Adam" <adamsmith@mediaone.net> 

> Original Poster: "Bob Berg" <berg_bob@hotmail.com>
> Would it hurt performance if I leave an extra 12 - 16" of PVC at the end
> (bottom) of my seconday. (Unwound)  I want to have the seconday pass
> the top of the support table and and secure it at the base.  Of course I
> would only have the winding from where I needed from the primary up 22-24
> inches (4.5" seconday). This will also allow me to adjust coupling by
> allowing me to move it up or down.

That will not affect performance in any way.

> --- Has anyone come up with a way to adjust coupling while the coil is
> running?  some kind of motorized system that would allow the operater to
> raise or lower the seconday while the coil is running?  Sounds

Given what you propose, I can envision some kind of lever system. Like this:

                      |       |
                      |       |
                      |       |
                      |       |
                      |       |
                      |       | Secondary form
                      |       |
         upper tube   |       |
              |       |       |
              \----->||       ||   Primary Platform
            =========||       ||=========
                     ||       ||
                      |       |
                      |       |
 _____________________|_______|___________________________ Your Hand
O_________________________________________________________ (far away)
Pivot                 |       |          Lever tube
on                    |       |
insulator             |       |
                     ||       ||
                     ||       ||
                     ||       ||
            Base---->|         |
            tube     |         |  Base

Sorry for the ASCII art, that horizonal-ish line is supposed to represent a
very long lever of non-conductive material, such as plastic tubing, anchored
at one end, and going through holes in the bottom of the form.  And the
secondary PVC form is resting inside a slightly larger diameter piece of
tube (actually two) used to keep the form normal to the ground (straight up
and down).

Ideally, the tube would align best if there was a supporting ring of tubing
above and below the point where the lever goes through.

This may be a sucky design, but it's a start, right?
