
Polyethylene capacitors correction...

Sorry, I just don't want anyone thinking I am completely retarded or
anything.  In the past message about polyethelene caps, I said my
dielectric was 5 mils thick.  I meant each sheet is 5 mils thick, but I
used some 15 sheets stacked together.  :-)   Most of you might have caught
that, but I got an email today saying, "5 mils is way too thin for a 15Kv
transformer!" :)  Anyway,  I have a really good idea now that might work
this time around...  Also, I got a message (a form letter I guess) that
listed all the useful TC links and acronyms and stuff.  In the middle of
the list, my site was listed.  It said:  "Ryan's site, medium coil design:
http://www.wf.net/~spud/".  I tend to get a little overzealous at times,
but I think that would look a lot better as "Ryan's site, HUGE coil
design:" :-)  So, I'm working really hard to get pictures of my streamers
posted, and to get ahold of a pole pig. (A pig is hard to get when you're a
broke 17 year-old! :))
