
Re: tesla coil safety

Please don't try mercury. Some years ago I suffered from acute mercury
poisoning as a result of a spillage of quite a small quantity in a lab that
I had to clear up. Your suggestion would easily produce concentrations of
vapour way above the short term maximum exposure limits. Briefly I had acute
stomach pains, vomiting, purging and chest pains like I'd been run-over by a
truck. I was on oxygen and in intensive care. The next level of treatment
above that would have been injections of sequestrene (EDTA) which clobbers
the blood-clotting and immune systems amongst others. I could see the
deposits in my lungs on a chest X-ray!!!
During the building of St Paul's Cathedral in London, six hundred men died
from falling from scaffolding whilst using mercury during the gilding of the
interior of the dome. People in the felt hat trade used to suffer from 'mad
hatters' disease' which was caused by the mercury used for shaping what we
in the UK call a bpowler hat, and what I believe americans call a Derby.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 2:51 PM
Subject: tesla coil safety

> Original Poster: Fucian@aol.com
> Hi all, i was wondering if letting a 7 inch spark jump to me with metal in
> hand is safe?it doesnt hurt, but it does make my muscles twitch.i like to
> a lot of experiments using this affect.i just want to know if im
> anything.
> btw--a friend wants to know if its possible to use mercury in place of
> water.